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  ? ? ?新年的鐘聲即將敲響,在這辭舊迎新的美好時刻,我謹代表亞洲金融投資控股有限公司董事會,向公司全體員工、社會各界同仁、支持與信任我們的國際友人們,致以新年問候和節日祝福!祝大家新年快樂,吉祥如意!
  ? ? 2013年國際經濟金融形勢極為嚴峻和錯綜複雜,亞洲金融投資控股有限公司能獲得如此驕人的成績是與各位的支持分不開的,在元旦佳節到來之際,我們再一次向所有的信任、幫助和支援我們的朋友們獻上誠摯的祝福和衷心的謝意!2014年,我們還將繼續一起為亞洲金融發展努力下去,爭取成就新的輝煌!
  ? ? 新的一年,我們要有更多的社會責任、凝聚力和投入奉獻!新的一年,我們將于環境保護方面增加對亞洲地區經濟發展的幫扶力度,將以低碳金榮、節能環保專案、環保科技研發為著重點,主要投資于服務于碳排放權的金融創新及其衍生品的交易和投資、低碳項目開發的投融資以及其他相關的金融活動。新的一年,我們將致力於説明亞洲地區發展中國家實現金融改革,加快金融創新,維護金融穩定,提升金融服務和管理水準,支援經濟發展方式轉變和經濟結構調整,促進經濟社會持續健康發展。?
  ? ? 日月開新元,天地又一春。送走了令人難忘的2013年,我們迎來了充滿挑戰和希望的2014年。在這嶄新的2014年,亞洲金融投資控股有限公司將繼續專注于亞洲地區新興市場投融資、促進亞洲地區經濟發展、節能環保、新興科技。希望在新的一年裡我們將繼續風雨同舟、同心協力,繼續發揚負責的企業精神,為亞洲金融市場的繁榮和發展做出新的貢獻。
  ? 祝大家新年快樂,萬事如意,闔家幸福!http://www.asiafih.com/
  The bell of the New Year will be rung. ?At the beautiful moment when we ring out the old year and ring in the New Year, I sincerely represent our company’s board of directors to give regards and blessings to all employees of the company, social colleague and foreign friends who trust and support us. Happy New Year! Good luck and happiness to you!
  In 2013, international financial situation was quite severe and complicated. The splendid performance ASIA FINANCE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED ?has achieved cannot be separated from your support. When New Year's Day comes, we sincerely give our earnest blessings and heartfelt thanks to all friends who trust, help and support us. In 2014, we will continue working hard for development of Asian finance and try to achieve new glory.
  In 2014, ASIA FINANCE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED ?should bear more social responsibilities, form more cohesive force and make more inputs and devotion. In the aspect of environmental protection, we will make more efforts to help with economic development in Asia, focus on low-carbon finance, energy-saving environmental protection projects as well as environmental scientific researches, and mainly invest and serve financial innovation of carbon emission permit, transactions and investment of its derivatives, investment financing of low-carbon projects and other related financial activities. In 2014, we will also devote ourselves to helping developing countries in Asia realize financial reform, accelerate financial innovation, maintain financial stability, improve financial service and management level, support transformation of economic development mode and economic structural adjustment, and promote continuous and healthy development of economic society.
  We see off unforgettable 2013 and meet 2014 a year filled with challenges and hopes. In 2014 a brand-new year, our company will not only continue paying attention to investment and financing in emerging Asian market but also promote economic development, energy conservation and environment protection as well as new technology in Asia. We hope we can stand together regardless of situations, unite in a concerted effort and go on advocating responsible enterprise spirit to make new contribution to prosperity and development of the financial market in Asia in 2014.
  Happy New Year! Wish all of you can have good luck in everything and your whole family can enjoy happiness!

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